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Not to the toilet. Proctologist spoke about travelers’ illness


A person, going on a trip or finding himself in some unnerving situation, may experience certain problems with stool. Often in this case they talk about “traveler’s constipation” or “situational constipation”. What is it and is it possible to prevent it, aif.ru told Doctor of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Abdominal Surgery and Oncology, Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after. acad. B.V. Petrovsky”, oncologist surgeon, coloproctologist Arkady Bedzhanyan.

What is the problem?

Usually, the terms “traveler’s constipation” and “situational constipation” are equated. They mean a temporary disorder of the intestines, which causes difficulties in defecation when a person finds himself in unusual conditions. This type of pathology is typical for people who change their usual state or daily routine, for example, due to a vacation or business trip.

Why does such a pathology develop?

There are many reasons why a person may encounter such a condition while traveling. On the list:

  • Changing your diet – it all starts on the road, where the food is not quite similar to the usual diet: food on the plane, food on the train, snacks in the car – they are all built according to different principles. In addition, all this is often radically different from the usual daily diet.
  • Water shortage: the drinking regime while traveling can undergo significant changes, and there are often situations when a person, due to the abundance of excursions, travel, or reluctance to look for a toilet on the beach, prefers not to drink. The result is dehydration and problems with stool.
  • Changing your physical activity level — traveling is often associated with prolonged sitting, refusal of gymnastics or even visits to the fitness room, which cannot but affect peristalsis.
  • Stress and worries: when traveling, many people get nervous – because of flight connections, arrival times, check-in – hence problems with the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Change of time zones – this factor disrupts the body’s biorhythms, including its own intestinal rhythms.

Few people want to deal with constipation on vacation, but you won’t be able to ignore it either—it will poison your entire vacation. Therefore, it is worth spending time on prevention.

How can you prevent bowel problems while traveling?

The main advantage is that prevention does not require any complex manipulations. At the same time, all recommendations are effective and with their help you can normalize intestinal function so that there are no failures even in unusual situations. For prevention you need:

1. Create and maintain a diet rich in fiber: that is, do not forget about vegetables and fruits in your diet, eat whole grains and legumes. Fiber is needed for intestinal peristalsis and gentle elimination of food bolus.

2. Properly selected and observed drinking regime. The traditional recommendation of drinking at least 30 ml of water per kilogram of a person’s weight remains valid.

3. Even when traveling, you need to devote time to physical activity.: You can always add a light walk to your routine, which will be beneficial – intestinal stimulation will go as it should.

4. Organized daily routine: even when traveling, it’s worth building your schedule – you should try to get up and go to bed at the same time, and try to adjust this to other time zones. Regular habits will benefit the intestines.

5. It is worth conducting an audit and removing foods that may cause problems with stool: It is advisable to exclude high-fat, fried and refined foods – these traditionally slow down peristalsis.

6. It is worth minimizing stress in various ways – practices such as meditation, breathing exercises, and the use of herbal sedatives will help.

7. Don’t ignore the urge to go to the toilet and extinguish itbecause it seems that the conditions are not right: delaying going to the toilet can lead to hardening of the stool.

8. Additional intake of pro- and prebiotics – these are yoghurts with live cultures (usually it is recommended to use products labeled as containing at least 10 to 7 CFU).

9. You need to be more careful when taking medications: A number of drugs can lead to constipation; it is better to ask your doctor which ones have this effect.

10. Don’t put off visiting a doctorif the situation does not improve within a few days or pain appears.

Such simple techniques will allow you to prevent problems with stool while traveling as much as possible.

How to treat?

If the situation takes a negative turn and problems with stool have already begun, there are a number of techniques that will allow you to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Despite the fact that the problem has already developed, you should not ignore the diet – it will additionally help cope with the problem. Water and fiber are not only prevention, but also treatment. The same applies to physical activity. If you feel that going to the toilet is delayed, you can do a little (half-heartedly) pumping of your abs.

It is important to go to the toilet at the same time every day – this will allow you to establish a routine, the body will get used to it and will already give the urge.

Sometimes drug therapy may be required. Thus, as prescribed by a doctor, osmotic laxatives can be offered, which will help retain water in the intestines to soften the masses. Also, if necessary, stimulant laxatives are prescribed, which will “spur up” peristalsis. But here it is important to remember that they cannot be taken frequently – only a short course without exceeding the dosage. Taking probiotics will restore healthy microflora.

Some folk remedies can also be used for therapeutic purposes: plums, prunes, plantain seeds. But it’s also important in moderation. Too much is also not good.

If there are any difficulties, unpleasant sensations and, despite the efforts made, you cannot cope with the situation, you need to consult a doctor.

Source: aif.ru

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