Digital dentistry is a direction in which information technologies are used during the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases, which expand the capabilities of the doctor, simplify and speed up the treatment process. What new products have had the most significant impact on the quality of dental treatment? told about this dental surgeon, implantologist, periodontist Professor Aram Davidyan.
Digital 3D images make it possible to diagnose the smallest disorders (for example, early caries or cysts), and create three-dimensional models of orthopedic and orthodontic products. In orthodontics and surgery, artificial intelligence, based on the data obtained, predicts the movement of teeth and bone tissue during bite correction or after surgery.
Computer technology also makes it possible to store and share clinical information over a distance. Thanks to this, in difficult cases it is possible to attract specialized specialists for treatment, as well as doctors from other cities and countries, in order to provide the patient with an integrated approach and high quality services.
Digital technologies in prosthetics
Just 10-20 years ago, making a dental crown, bridge or other type of prosthesis required a lot of time and effort. First, the doctor made a plaster cast of the patient’s teeth and sent it to the dental laboratory, where the master cast the model and created a die, which was used to make the socket. The final stage was the fitting of the crown, its adjustment and final installation.
Today, immediately after preparing a tooth, you can scan it and make a three-dimensional model of an orthopedic product, selecting the desired shape and size of the structure, taking into account how it will interact with other teeth and soft tissues. The resulting model is transferred to a 3D printer, which creates a crown from a given material according to individual parameters. You can make a prosthesis in a nearby laboratory, or even on another continent.
Until recently, zirconium structures made using digital technologies were not available to everyone due to their high cost. Today, thanks to widespread distribution, they have become significantly cheaper.
AI in Orthodontics
In a similar way, digital technologies are used to correct bites. Before starting treatment, the orthodontist scans the patient’s oral cavity and, based on the data obtained, predicts how the teeth will move to achieve the desired result.
Based on the image, a three-dimensional model of the mouthguard is created, which is then manufactured individually for each patient. In this way, medical error is minimized and the most accurate predicted result can be obtained.
Digital technologies in implantology and surgery
Implantation is one of the advanced technologies for restoring dentition. With the development of computer technology, it has become possible to plan an operation in the smallest detail and install implants as accurately as possible, which minimizes errors and allows you to achieve a good result.
Today, clinics are increasingly using navigational implantology. It involves the virtual placement of pins, taking into account their position, angle and depth of implantation. This approach is also used in maxillofacial surgery. It reduces the operation time, minimizes damage to surrounding tissues, reduces the cost of treatment (by reducing the number of manipulations and their duration) and makes the result as predictable as possible.
To accurately insert an implant, doctors often use a template—a mouth guard with holes, which allows the pins to be installed at the optimal depth and at the desired angle. It is created based on data from computed tomography and intraoral scanning.
Already today, in some advanced clinics, implantation is performed by special robots under the supervision of a doctor who plans and directs their actions. It can be assumed that in the future medical robotics will develop rapidly and take a leading position in surgery.