Cranberry and preparations based on it are one of the most commonly used herbal remedies not only in Russia, but also in the world. In the 90s of the last century, cranberry entered the TOP 10 best-selling herbal remedies in the USA.
Is this popularity deserved and does cranberry help in the treatment of urological problems? told Chief freelance nephrologist of the Ministry of Health, Head of the Department of Nephrology and Hemodialysis at Sechenov University, Professor Evgeniy Shilov:
— Cranberries contain a large amount of benzoic acid, which has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, so it is really recommended for urinary tract infections, especially in remission or to prevent relapses of these diseases. Moreover, benzoic acid is part of many urological drugs and phytocomplexes used for this group of diseases, where herbal medicine really helps to achieve the desired results.
However, cranberries cannot be considered a universal urological or nephrological drug, since for other diseases the medicinal properties of cranberries are not so pronounced. But even in these cases, for example, cranberry juice can be used as part of complex therapy. The use of cranberries in some cases can increase the effectiveness and shorten the course of use of antibacterial agents, as well as reduce the frequency of adverse drug reactions. Both in its natural form and as part of preparations, cranberry is well tolerated and helps relieve symptoms of discomfort.